Monday, 11 February 2008
Lord Malloch- Brown follow up letter to Lord Avebury discussing issues raised by his office to president Rayale and his delegation during their visit in London.
Concerns over human rights and the arrest and detention of members of the Qaran association were raised and it was pointed out to the president that donors will continue to invest in Somaliland, including support for elections, on the basis of progress on democratization being maintained.
"We will continue to work with the Somaliland Authorities to encourage and support progress and will continue to urge them to meet the responsibilities of government that they claim and wish to see recognized".
Lord Malloch-Brown.....
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
London SWIA 2AH
From the Minister of State.
Your reference: P0726124 and P0702112
Our Reference: 54277
The Rt. Hon. Lord Avebury
House of Lords
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your letter of 2 November and 26 December about ShuroNet and the arrest and detention of three Qaran politicians and their recent release.
Whilst I recognize the good progress that
Somaliland authorities have made on democracy and stability, further improvements are needed. I am particularly concerned that the Somaliland Authorities make all efforts during the period prior to the July and August 2008 elections to ensure democracy and human rights are upheld.
I met Somaliland Leaders, including Mr. Dahir Rayale Kahin at the Foreign and Commonwealth office on 8 January , when I raised my concerns over human rights and the arrest and detention of members of the Qaran association. I emphasized that donors will continue to invest in
Somaliland, including support for elections, on the basis of progress on democratization being maintained.
I understand that the all Party Parliamentary Group for
Somaliland also held meetings with Mr. Rayale and his party on 9 January and hope that you were also able to raise these issues with him directly.
I will continue to follow the situation in
Somaliland closely, as will my colleagues in the Department of International Development and our European partners. We will continue to work with the Somaliland Authorities to encourage and support progress and will continue to urge them to meet the responsibilities of government that they claim and wish to see recognized.
The Rt. Hon. Lord Malloch –Brown
Minister of State.