Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Letter To The President Of Somaliland

By Hussein Abdi Hussein; Doha-Qatar

Dear Mr. President

I profoundly commend this unrecognized party and its leaders which is not so far legally registered but had begun informal political activities in advance of the local elections expected to be held in December 2007. Sincerely, this was disgraceful not merely on one nation, but on a doctrine of respect of Somaliland constitution cherished by all Somaliland people. I urge the States of Somaliland and its society to irreverently condemn such misdemeanor, to bring to justice those who are responsible, and to prevent its repetition. But in one condition;

Whatever the response to this annoyance, it should not validate any nuisance. Rather, it should uphold the values that came with Somali Landers self proclamation, the principles of a democratic society, the accountability of the government and international law, and merge the requirements of security with the demands of liberty. We should be as vigilant in defense of the Constitution as we are firm in the fight against such crimes. That is the way we differ with the autocratic counties.

There is also a danger that some people may cynically take government act against those perpetrators as ethnic related crisis and of the "Reer Hebel" cause to justify their own internal repression, as we seen now since the day they were arrested, people calls (BAAQ) from abroad seems having a taste of ethnical issues, and expect that the Somaliland government will take accountable task to break its accuracy. The government should send a strong signal to those seeking to join this kind of inspiration, that it (government) will not tolerate oppressive opportunism in the face of this calamity.

Our background is

As we all know, the States of Somaliland has proclaimed its independency half of century earlier and not today. This proclamation comes from indignation endured with our alliance with Somalia, subsequent mistakes and eager to have our own republic and self being, lots of people lost their life and goods for this homeland and we are not today standing by loosing it so quietly. 'The iniquity began from the very start. There was a very disproportionate representation in the Parliament. The capital city became Mogadishu – in the South. The president was a southerner…the prime minister was from the south. So frustration began from the start.' Today things have changed and members of Somaliland's parliament represent all clans, which resolve the issue of division along regional or tribal lines. We have a multi-party constitution approved by referendum, we have our own capital and democratically elected the president, the vice president and peace is a tribute we gained from god and by this we (Somali Landers) are against anyone who'll not meet the terms of our constitution and government. So then we should pin down any perpetrator for his act and their accomplices and avoid harming the international human right but justice should be done.

But let be this first lapse a lesson and let me please ask you Mr. President to a wholehearted release of Mohamed Abdi “Gabose”, Mohamed Hashi Elmi, and Jamal Aideed and the Registration of the Qaran Party for the sake of our Republic. We don’t want these people considered as prisoners of conscience and be detained without charge for a prolonged period or subject to an unfair trial which may have consequences in the future.

May god bless you all.

Hussein Abdi Hussein Dualeh
