Somaliland Forum
Ref: SF/CLC/28/07 Date: 31/07/2007
Building a democracy in an unrecognised country with very limited resources is not easy, but Somaliland has already done what many thought was impossible. Three popular successful elections have been held and we are just approaching the next round of elections. This remarkable achievement in a region where democracy is not flourishing must not be undermined by precipitous actions on the part of the Somaliland Government.
We have chosen (understandably because of the 1960s experience, but wrongly in our view, as we have said repeatedly before) that we will have a constitutional limit of three political parties, but there is nothing in our constitution or laws that says that these parties will forever be the current three (UDUB, KULMIYE & UCID) which succeeded as being the top three political associations in the last 2002 local elections. Now that we are approaching another set of local elections, the leaders of QARAN political association and, so far, two other declared associations, are not challenging the constitutional three party limit but are saying that they want to exercise their constitutional right to association and to be given the chance to contest the forthcoming local elections in December 2007.
They argue that there is no law which stops them from doing that and that it is the Government which is breaking the law and the constitution by not setting up again the political associations registration committee which was disbanded 6 months after the 2002 local elections.
Whether one agrees with them or not, it is utterly unacceptable for citizens who are seeking to exercise their constitutional rights in a peaceful manner, to be told in writing by a Minister who belongs to one of the three parties that they are criminals, and then to be sent to jail. The Chairman and the two Deputy Chairman of Qaran association, Dr. Mohamed Abdi Gaboose, Mr Mohamed Hashi and Mr Jamal Aideed, have been sent to Mandhera Jail on 28/7/2007, and will, no doubt, feel that they have now become Somaliland's first political prisoners.
The Somaliland Forum:
- condemns unreservedly the imprisonment of the three citizens and asks that they should be released immediately and without any conditions;
- warns that, as there are no offences set under the Political parties Registration Law (Law No: 14 of 2000), any attempts to try these citizens for "offences against the state" under the old Penal Code will be unacceptable;
- asks that the permanent committees of both Houses of Parliament hold joint hearings (by inviting representations from Qaran and the other associations, the political parties and civil groups) about the pros and cons of appointing a new political parties registration committee under Article 2 of Law No: 14 of 2000 and report jointly to both Houses within 4 weeks;
- believes that it is a basic tenet of democracy that limitations of the participation in elections must, in principle, be kept to the minimum necessary in a democratic society and confining all elections, for ever , to be contested only by the current three parties is contrary to democracy and human rights;
- calls on the Somaliland Government to refrain from imposing any restrictions on citizens‘ rights to freedom of association, assembly and expression ; and to avoid labelling anyone who criticises it as harbouring anti-Somaliland tendencies;
- exhorts all citizens, and in particular those who are planning to form new associations, to continue safeguarding the peace and public order ;
- asks the Government to take immediate steps to strengthen the independence of the judiciary, and for the president to sign the Organisation of the Judiciary Bill which has been stuck between the two Houses and the President for the last 3 years; and
- encourages the two Houses and the President to take all necessary steps to ensure that the forthcoming elections are held on time.
The Somaliland Forum is a non-partisan independent think-tank that brings together Somaliland citizens in the Diaspora, who supports the sovereign, democratic and independent Somaliland. The Forum helps Somaliland Communities and friends around the globe to work together and contribute to the socio-economic and political development of the Republic of Somaliland.
Somaliland Forum executive Committee:
Chairman: Rashid Garuf -
Vice-Chairman: Abdirahman Mohamed Magan- UAE,
Secretary: Cabdinaasir Haybe Farah –
Treasurer: Ismaaciil Cawed -
Member-at-Large: Ahmed Abdi Jama –
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