The reason for this is, the letter continues, "in a region of the world where these qualities are in short supply, your country is a beacon of democracy". But ELDR was alarmed by the arrest on 28/7/07 of Dr. Mohamed Abdi Gabose, Engineer Mohamed Hashi Elmi and Mr. Jama Aideed Warsame, the leaders of Qaran Political Association, which she sees can have a serious consequence for Somaliland's recognition.
In a letter to Mr. Javier Solana, Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union, the ELDR President is blunter as she says "Somaliland's current political system and its leadership are failing to meet the minimum standards expected of a free and democratic State. Neither does the Somaliland government respect international human rights laws such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights". These are serious accusations.
The courageous support by one of the three main parties of the European Union is so far the best thing that happened to Somaliland's quest for international recognition. But Somaliland does not realise what it is missing. The ELDR, other supporters and friends seem to be getting wary and their goodwill is being eroded by careless Government violations against human rights and the standard pillars of democratic behaviour in Somaliland. Glaring examples are the arrest of the three top leaders of Qaran Political Association, the increasing suppression of the freedom of the press and the usurpation of the office of Shuro-net, the umbrella organization of the civil society human rights network.
The friends of Somaliland including Lord Avebury, senior member of the British House of Lords; SIRAJ; Professor I. M. Lewis; Somaliland Focus and Somaliland Forum believe that the Government's uncanny behaviour is not helping them to continue airing their support for Somaliland's international recognition. The ELDR President said, "These unlawful processes have already set the cause of Somaliland's recognition back, and if continued, must inevitably halt progress for the time being". This is a dire warning.
The GM Preparatory Committee and all members of the Original Shuro-net find it strange the Somaliland Government's attitude to ignore the many concerns of the international community as well as the frequent appeals within the country about the deteriorating situation of human rights in Somaliland. We honestly urge the Government, in particular the President H. E. Dahir Rayale Kahin, to heed the cries for caution and reverse Somaliland's sinking image in the eyes of the world. Instead of meddling in human rights issues like the freedom of the press, the arbitrary arrests of citizens and the gagging of human rights organizations, it is better to bask in the victory of Lasanod which lifts the people's spirit of patriotism and unity.
The country is passing a promising time when the population need not be pushed to desperation and mistrust, but instead given hope that at last the dark clouds of doom are lifting. Confidence building measures to break the ice that goes down well inside and outside Somaliland are: 1) the immediate and unconditional release of the leaders of Qaran Political Association, 2) the release of all detainees under the Public Order Law and 3) the abolition of the illegal Security Committees and lastly the respect of fundamental rights of Somaliland citizens.
Somaliland Human Rights Organisations Network (SHURO-Net)
Legitimate SHURO-Net Group