President of the European Commission José Manuel Barossa
Brussels 08.02.2008 Ms. Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck , MEP
Dear President, thank you for your letter on 27 November, 2007. I am likewise concerned the recent the recent development in Somaliland, including the arrests last summer of three leaders of Somaliland's QARAN'S political party and increasing tension with Puntland over the town of Lasanood. I wish to reassure you that the EU has made a public statements under the Portugese President. Voicing its concern about the evolving situation in Somaliland and calling for restraint and space for dialogue and reconciliation. Furthermore, the EC Special Envoy for Somalia has directly engaged with the Somaliland authorieties on the issue of political associations being permitted to participate freely and, more generally, on the democratization process which should lead to presidential and local elections in 2008., to be supported, inter alia. by the European Commission. The EU remains committed to maintaining concerted pressure on Somaliland government to address the ban on formation of political associations, release political prisoners, and participate in a good faith in a consensual process on the issue of the electoral time frame and voter registration and it encourages and supports the new National Electoral Commission (NEC) to take a leading role in this process. We are pleased, in this regard, that political detained were released in December. Yours sincerely, José Manuel Barossa |
Source: Qaran