Saturday, 08 March 2008
Lord Avebury responds to Dr. Gabose's letter and continues to press Lord Malloch-Brown KCMG, Foreign & Commonwealth Office to impress upon the Somaliland administration to allow free and fair elections in Somaliland. He makes one of his strongest arguments yet why Qaran should participate in the coming elections.
From Lord Avebury P0807033020-7274 4617
March 7, 2008
Dear Mark,
Further to our correspondence about the treatment of the Qaran Political Association in Somaliland, I attach a memorandum which has been emailed to me from Dr Mohamed A Gabose, Chairman of the QPA, about the continuing restrictions on their activities.
The Rt Hon the Lord Malloch-Brown KCMG,
Foreign & Commonwealth Office,
London SW1A 2AH